Science this week we learned about the color wheel. We focused on our primary colors. Then we had the kids make a color wheel.
Our 1st experiments was called
Amazing Skittles. 1st we had the kids take one of each color of skittle and place them in a circle on a plate. Then we had them pour water on the skittles to cover them. Finially they got to watch the reaction.The easiest way to explain the reaction to the kids was we had them put their palms of their hands out and against someone else’s
palms and lean together it shows the equal amount of pressure. This was the reason the colors stayed and didn't mix.
Then we did our second experiment. This experiment we call Milk Explosion of Color.
1st we gave everyone a bowl of milk. 2nd we added our Primary colors Red,Yellow ,and Blue (food coloring).
3rd we gave each child a Q-tip dipped in detergent.
Finally we had each child slowly dip their Q-tip in the milk.
The reaction was so cool. The molecules twisted,
rolled and contorted in all directions as the soap molecules race around to join up
with the fat molecule. During all of this Molecule
gymnastics, the food coloring molecules are bumped and shoved everywhere,
providing an easy way to observe all the invisible activity. As the soap
became evenly mixed with the milk the action slowed down and eventually
And finally to finish up our class we had a fun Wheel of Fortune game for our review.